3S staff exploring the future of climate education at the University of East Anglia

3S researcher Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda was recently awarded a grant from the CHASE Climate Justice network to put on a series of workshops exploring how the university curriculum might be reformed in response to the multiple challenges associated with biodiversity and climate crises.

Elliot is part of a team including other 3S members Noel Longhurst and Phedeas Stephanides which has, on behalf of the UEA’s Biodiversity and Climate Action Network, developed a series of workshops entitled “Teaching Climate Futures”. These workshops are designed to open up a number of questions about how universities should respond to the climate crisis.

The first staff focused workshop was held in June and a second one is being held on 11 July at 11am
Four further student focused workshops will take place in the new academic year.

If you are a member of the teaching staff at UEA and want to come and shape the future of climate education at UEA you can sign up for the July workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/teaching-climate-futures-tickets-626306217757?aff=oddtdtcreator.