New book chapters on the nocturnal city

3S member Casper Laing Ebbensgaard has recently published two short chapters in the book Interior Realms. The first of these chapters, entitled ‘Collective Matter, Vertical Life’, explores the home as a site of cultural production in the vertical night. Through a vignette that follows the routines of two residents in a high-rise in central, east…

New articles on the nature and influence of global environmental assessments

3S member Martin Mahony has two new articles out on the nature and influence of global environmental assessments.

The first, co-authored with Maud Borie (KCL), Noam Obermeister and Mike Hulme (Cambridge University), compares the knowledge-making practices of the IPCC and IPBES, the global bodies responsible for assessing science around climate change and biodiversity loss respectively.

The second article, published with a number of fellow participants in a 2019 workshop at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), argues that in order to understand the effectiveness of GEAs, we need to go beyond just tracking the translation of their findings into policy.

Broadening public engagement with energy

3S researchers Jason Chilvers, Helen Pallett and Tom Hargreaves have today launched an important policy briefing calling for a new approach to public engagement with energy.   The UK Energy Research Centre briefing – entitled ‘Public engagement with energy: broadening evidence, policy and practice’ – translates findings from our Remaking Energy Participation project to policy-makers…