Marina Nicolaidou

I am a SeNSS ESRC funded Postgraduate Researcher and Associate Tutor at the University of East Anglia. I am also a member of the Science Society and Sustainability (3S) Research Group, and associated with the UKERC Public Engagement Observatory.

My research is looking into the interconnected nature of technological future-making and appraisal, science fiction, and public participation and engagement. Specifically, I am engaged in experimental research regarding the development of a novel approach to participatory technology appraisal using science fiction in the case area of geoengineering.

I come from an Environmental Sciences (BSc and MSc) and Social Science Research Methods (MRes) academic background, and my research interests are around creative and experimental approaches to future-making; creative and responsible innovation, and anticipatory governance; the co-production of science, society and science fiction; public participation; emerging technologies; sociotechnical visions; and Science and Technology Studies (STS).