3S Debate

debate - runner

The great contemporary challenge is to make more sustainable ways of living. But the response is, thus far, insufficient and doesn’t measure up to the nature and size of the problem. Why shouldn’t technology overcome these challenges if it does everything else for us? Why do local, national and international institutions still struggle to effectively engage society with the sustainability agenda? Is society a barrier to sustainability, innovation and progress? Can it make a positive contribution to increasing sustainability and, thus, save itself from imminent collapse?

Join us on a lively panel debate where five leading thinkers and practitioners from business, government, and civil society address the question of our generation – outlining their views on the relative merits of science and society in developing solutions to sustainability challenges, and addressing questions from the audience.

The panel will be chaired by Jason Chilvers, chair of the Science, Society and Sustainability (3S) Research Group. Panellists include: Sara Parkin OBE (Sustainability Literature Project, Forum for the Future), Richard Powell OBE (Wild Anglia, Institute of Environmental Managers and Assessors), Rebecca Willis (Climate Leadership Programme – Green Alliance), Kate Cooper (Liftshare), and Steve Waters (Playwright/screenwriter, UEA).

The event, entitled ‘Sustainability: Can Society Save Itself?’, will be held on Thursday 21 September 2017, 7:00 – 8:30pm, at the Enterprise Centre Lecture Theatre, University of East Anglia, Norwich. 

This Public Panel Debate is open to all and free to attend, but advance booking is recommended.

For bookings press here!

For regular updates, and to join the conversation, follow #3Sdebate on Twitter and Facebook!

Post your own questions to our panel of sustainability experts in advance here!